SMA Mosque

Sammamish Volunteering Program

Sammamish Muslim Association is run mostly by volunteers. Virtually all of our educational programs, picnics, community events, youth groups, etc. are put together by folks from within our community working to give back to the place they call home. Therefore, there is a tremendous opportunity to get involved and contribute. Specifically, we currently need:

Ramadan Volunteer

Every year we put together a lot of events for Ramadan and need help pulling them off. This could be putting together a flyer, setting up and tearing down furniture, helping with parking, organizing the food and cleaning up, etc.

Event Day Photographer

We put together a lot of events and we always do a mixed job of recording them. If you have a passion for photography this could be a perfect opportunity for you to contribute. We would like to assign a photographer for all our events and to have professional-quality records of all the goodness that we put together.

Other Ideas and Needs

We are always open to new opportunities and new ideas. If you have an idea for how you can contribute, please email.

Reach out to Us

(425) 440-9936
22011 SE 20th St
Sammamish, WA 98075