SMA Mosque

Sammamish Muslim Association is a non-profit organization that runs Sammamish Mosque (Masjid). We use all the money we raise from our community to run the masjid and its programs, to pay for the Imam, and towards the construction of a new masjid to better serve our community.

We also accept donations on following programs


Please note that Sammamish Muslim Association is certified for matching funds from area employers that participate in these programs (most notably Microsoft and Boeing but also many others). If you have any questions on how to leverage matching donations, please contact the SMA treasurer at [email protected]

Payments by check:

Make your checks out to Sammamish Muslim Association, indicate how you want the money used (e.g. Zakat vs. Masjid General Fund) and either drop off in the masjid donation box or mail the check to Sammamish Muslim Association,
22011 SE 20th St, Sammamish WA 98075.

Reach out to Us

(425) 440-9936
22011 SE 20th St
Sammamish, WA 98075